Our partners and affiliates recognize USC Transportation’s outstanding accomplishments in cutting back greenhouse emissions and reducing the university’s carbon footprint.

USG President’s Award
Successful Green Initiative Projects
The 2007 USG President’s Award recognized the department who most effectively instituted new practices which lent to a greener USC community. This award is endorsed by the student body, as it is given by the Undergraduate Student Government that advocates for student needs. USC Transportation has incorporated sustainable business practices into our core strategic and operational activities, which include the purchase and use of energy efficient vehicles and active promotion of ridesharing.

Clean Air Award
Air Quality Management District
2006 2007 2008
Through its Clean Air Awards, AQMD honors individuals, corporations and communities that make a significant difference through innovation, leadership and personal environmental commitment.
Innovative Transportation Project Award
The USC’s employee commute reduction program is more than a simple rideshare program. The program includes a fully integrated marketing and outreach component, and greatly exceeds the trip reduction targets of AQMD’s Rule 2202.
The program has taken great strides to improve air quality in Southern California through a variety of alternative commute options. Carpools and vanpools with preferred parking, rideshare matching services, and subsidies for public transit are just some of the options available to USC employees. The success of the USC Transportation Office in communicating these options to employees is evident all around campus – on a peak commute day, more than 900 employees car/vanpool to work, 1,100 arrive by bus or rail and almost 1,200 walk or bike.

Outstanding Group Award
Metro Rideshare Diamond Award
Diamond Award for Outstanding Group Achievement. The category recognizes groups who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and rideshare advocacy.
“The employers we’re recognizing today have demonstrated their commitment to helping improve air quality and alleviate our region’s traffic congestion through carpool, vanpool, public transit and other…” said Metro CEO Roger Snoble.

Innovative Transportation Solutions Award
Advancing Women in Transportation
The WTS Innovative Transportation Solutions Award recognizes organizations that improve the way transportation programs are run for the better. USC Transportation’s effort to create a sustainable transit system is leading the wave of change with a big investment in one of the nation’s best and greenest university transit systems.