NOTE: All commuter permit rates include a mandatory 10% City of Los Angeles Parking Occupancy Tax. Online orders will be charged a $5 convenience fee. All permit rates are subject to change without notice.

Permit TypeFY25 Monthly Rate (employees)FY25 Semester Rate (students)
HSC Gold Locations: San Pablo Structure, Biggy Structure, Lots 70, Eastlake, CSPL, O'Neal, Soto, Consolidated$124$558
HSC Cardinal Locations: Valley Lot, Lot 71, HRA$94$423
HSC Carpool Gold Locations: San Pablo Structure, Biggy Structure, Lots 70, Eastlake, CSPL, O'Neal, Soto, ConsolidatedFREE (Separate application/approval required) - Contact Justin Santana at for more information
HSC Carpool Cardinal Locations: Valley Lot, Lot 71, HRAFREE (Separate application/approval required) - Contact Justin Santana at for more information
HSC 1 & 2-Day/week Flexible Schedule Permit (Employees only, M-F only, valid at Valley Lot and Lot 71 only)$51--
HSC 3-Day/week Flexible Schedule Permit (Employees only, M-F only, valid at Valley Lot and Lot 71 only)$74--

UPC Gold Structures: Downey, Jefferson, Royal, McCarthy, Flower, Figueroa, USC Shrine; Lots C, Z, 21, 27, 28, 33, RAN$124$558
UPC Cardinal: Grand Ave. Structure; Lots: 29A, 29B$94$423
UPC Carpool Gold Structures: Downey, Jefferson, Royal, McCarthy, Flower, Figueroa, USC Shrine$94 (Separate application/approval required)$423 (Separate application/approval required)
UPC Off-campus Housing Faculty/Staff $84--
UPC Off-Campus Student Housing $84$378
UPC 1 & 2-Day/week Flexible Schedule Permit (Employees only, M-F only, valid at USC Shrine, Figueroa, and Grand Structures only)*$51--
UPC 3-Day/week Flexible Schedule Permit (Employees only, M-F only, valid at USC Shrine, Figueroa, and Grand Structures only)*$74--
USC Home Football Games - All Entrances $40 per game**--

Daily Passes at Campus Entrances$20 per day--
Departmental Reservations***$20.50 per day--
Student/Employee Evening (ONLY valid 5:00pm-7:00am) $59$265.50
Employee Overnight (ONLY valid 10:00pm-7:00am)FREE - visit a Customer Service Center for details
Electric Vehicle (EV) NOTE: Permit discontinued, rate adjustment available with EV Registration from DMV$94$423
Undesignated (requires Departmental approval)$189--
Vendor Monthly$223--
Vendor Daily (oversized/delivery vehicles)$70--

* Employee value permits are print-from-home ONLY. The value (2x or 3x/week) is a monthly calculation; if you have a 2x/week permit and a month has 4.5 weeks, for example, you can use it up to nine times, any days you want, during that month. Unused value does NOT carry over to subsequent months. Uses in excess of the value (more than nine times in the example above) are charged through USC Payroll at the current daily rate of $20/additional use.

**Does not include any applicable third-party mobile pay fees for Text2Park areas.

***Departmental Reservations using online express reservations starting in Fall 2020 will be charged an additional $0.50 service charge per reservation through our external vendor.